How to make brain sharp- Improve knowledge power.

To increase intellectual performance in all stages you must need to sharp your brain as early as possible. Now the question is that how will i Sharp my brain? Firstly think your brain i mean maximum brains are built with white matter and Some of people's brain are made by grey matter.
উপরের ad(photo) এ ক্লিক করুন How to make your brain sharp
What is whiteউপরের ad(photo) এ ক্লিক করুন matter and grey matter? . Our brain has contained two matter. One is grey matter and another is White matter. The person whose brain made by grey matter is called as Intelligent brain. I think you could understand. Its not matter you can sharp our brain if you want although it was made by White matter. Neurons of brain sometimes lead to aggregate that's. Why monotonous feelings ia created. To remove / to relief from that problem there is a Medical solution. What is it? And Which is that drug?  The drug is Piracetam
800mg/1200mg? as Generic. For adult Tab. Neurolep 800mg TDS(three times daily). Tab. Memopill 1200 mg BD(Two times daily).
For Children to improve intellectual school performance can also take this medicine.
Children ages 5years-10 Years> Syp. Piracetam  1tsf ×BD. Above 10 Years 2TSf × BD. This drug piracetam is alao used as post cerebral accident as Neurological therapy.

Tags: Improve you knowledge skills, how to improve your knowledge, Make your brain sharp, Medical treatment to make brain sharp, How to improve knowledge capacity power to catch something easily.